Thursday, August 03, 2006

Book Meme

Well now that Carolanne has explained what tagging means and that this isn't a chain letter, I can answer these questions.

One book that changed your life
"The Navigator" --An autobiography of Dawson Trotman (the founder of the Navigators). He was somebody that believed that building into people's lives was what was really going to have an impact for God. He had enormouse influence on Billy Graham, the founder of World Vision and many others, but it is not well known.
I committed myself to being open to allow God to work through me in the way that I would have maxium impact for Him, and this continues to be my prayer.

One book that you’ve read more than once.
I can't remember any.

One book you’d want on a desert island.
"Finding God" by Lawrence Crabb. It talks about building your life on a strong foundation (a godly foundation) and the desert island would give me the opportunity to reflect on how I might do that.

One book that made you laugh
The John Harrop book my wife encouraged me to read "In Trouble(s) Often"

One book that made you cry.
The Lindy Chamberlan book about the injustice to an Australian woman in 1980.

One book that you wish had been written
A guide to understanding yourself and learning from mistakes for teenagers.

One book that you wish had never been written
The Origin of Species and the subsequent philsophies that have come from it.

One book you’re currently reading
A book about Moses called, "The Priest" by Francine Rivers.

One book you’ve been meaning to read
The pile Nathan has put next to my bed.