Sunday, April 30, 2006

Masters of Conflict Resolution

Well since I created this post, with our son Nathan to keep you informed of Russell's whereabouts, it looks like it's my duty to explain these photos that were taken last Friday night - 28th April. As you can tell, Russell graduated and as the title of this blog says, he got his "Masters of conflict resolution". Just a few more letters to add to his name. He has previously earned a bachelor of theology and a post-graduate diploma in Pastoral counselling.
He has worked very hard over the past few years to get his masters and we, along with the chancellor of the university, congratulated him on his fine effort.

In the next photo, "Graddy" as the teddy is referred to, was awarded to Russell's dear wife for her support in his endeavour to study etc.

At the end of the night, we also bought clothing from the university. TShirts for the boys and a Rugby jumper that will keep me warm during winter. (Me, being Carolanne - the dear wife.)

Russell did have an embarrassing moment on the evening. As he returned his robe and cap to the hirers of such garments, they asked him "How did it go?" Now, assuming they asked everyone that, they probably also expected the right reply of "good thanks," which is what came off Russell's lips too. However, as I was following behind him, I thought "What a stupid question... what do they expect to hear?" so I replied, out loud with, "Actually, not so good. They decided he couldn't have the award after all. He failed".

Russell blushed and decided that he would not take me there again and asked me to keep my voice down as the graduates of the Fraud Investigation Law Students had been in front of him during the ceremony.

That's fine by me since I told him that's the last time he can study again. He doesn't need more letters after his name and besides, he's getting too old to continue studying. He was one of the oldest there, after all!


Anonymous said...

Well Done !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who got more cuddles - you or the Teddy?

C.J.M. said...

Thank you to my wife for being my ghost writer. Even though technically a ghost writer is a person who puts your thoughts into words (i.e for footballers who don't have very good literary skills).
However, my wife has outstanding literary skills and so she is able to write a great summary with a little bit of editorial comment thrown in. So, does anyone have a suggestion what this type of writing could be called?

Anonymous said...

furtile imagination runs amok in Aussieland?
might be a good title instead of ghost writer. but that might get me in trouble so I will just say well done Russell.