Monday, May 08, 2006

About the Logies and about my day

Last night I tried to watch the Logies (Australian T.V awards). I like to see who wins the best new talent which is near the start of the show. I also like to see who wins the best Sports Show which is near the middle of the show and I also like to see who wins the Gold Logie which is right at the end. I couldn’t keep awake until the end, so I video-ed it.
I am not a huge t.v watcher but I do find it interesting to see the stars with their hair down.
Today I had to take the work car in to replace a battery and though it was meant to take 5 minutes it ended up being 1 hour. All my work was in the car, so I had to read the women’s magazines. The interesting thing was about Michael Parkinson. He gave up drinking when his wife told him “you’re unattractive when you drink”. As a result he is still interviewing at 71 and they are still happily married.

About my day--Work has been really busy lately. I started first thing with a necessary, but difficult letter that I was going to hand deliver to a client this morning. This was to reinforce a conversation I had with them last week. They are making good progress, but I had to have the conversation and write the letter to reinforce the point. I finished the letter and then (as our computer network was down) had to read a 3 page letter to my supervisor to double check this. Then I tried to print it out. We had enormous problems and what should have been so simple took 1 hour plus. I was running late, then I jumped in the work car and guess what? (flat battery). Another half an hour went by and finally the RACV came (work-safe prohibits us from jump-starting it ourselves). Finally I was on the road, but couldn't get hold of my client. AFter another visit, I got a call from the Office Manager to ask if I could take the car to our dealer for a 5 minute battery change over. I didn't bother to take any work in, but an hour plus later, I was well versed on the women's magazines.
So, lots of curve balls as far as making progess on the work goes.


Carolanne said...

Sounds like you - or rather other influences - wasted your time today.
Can you bank your time? If so are you now in the red or the black?

OOTOR/suzie86 said...

Sounds like you are busy getting in touch with your feminine side. Now all you have to do is decide Max Factor, Maybelline or Revlon.