Friday, January 19, 2007

Thankfulness for Thursday and Friday

I would like to give thanks for on Thursday:
1/ Being able to finally resolve the crisis from the day before. Also, for God intervening that before I had to confront, the client's attitude had changed.
2/ For others who I have built relationships with and help me with my work.
3/ For an opportunity to meet with a young boy who needs some guidance and direction in his life.
4/ For a good meeting with a group of people I am exploring an idea with.
5/ For time with my son and family.

I would like to give thanks for Friday, that:
1/ The opportunity to go for a run each morning.
2/ I had an opportunity to catch up with filing while the computers were down.
3/ I was able to help somebody from a different department and their client with a problem they were having by organising a meeting with the Office of Housing.
4/ That a very sad situation had some happiness. I had arranged to pick up one of the girls from the camp and take her and her father home. However, this family had another crisis last night, and the father and mother were in children's court all day. All the other parents were there to greet their children, but once again this little girl had her needs overshadowed by the "out of control" older brothers. The thankfulness part, is the children sang some songs they had learnt on the camp (Christian songs that Carolanne sings with her children at school). The little girl obviously bonded with the leaders and she can go back to the camp for the next 3 years. There is some light in this girl's life.
5/ We had a nice tea and time together as a family.

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