Saturday, January 13, 2007

Why I Am Thankful Today

Today I give thanks for:
  1. God watches over me each day as I travel.
  2. I organised for a client's child to go on a camp for "disadvantaged children". The client was desperate for her child to go on the camp. It took me ages to find out about the camp, then it took some time for the camp leader to get back to me. However, the camp leader then emailed me and asked if I had girls aged 7-11 who qualified for the criteria and wanted to go. I checked out a few other families. To be honest these things are a lot of mucking around. But, when I saw the face of the young girls who are going they were so excited about the possibility of going. One young girl had already packed her bag in the hope she may be able to go. I was so relieved when the camp leader said they could come.
  3. This camp is actually run by a group of Christians. I work for a secular organisation. I recognise that I am in a position of power and that my opinion carrys a lot of weight in the client's eyes. Seeing as a I don't work for a Christian organisation, I have to be careful that I don't mis-use my position (some of my predeccessors have reportedly done this). But, this camp meets the work requirements and it is a bonus that these young girls will hear a Christian message in the context of the camp. I am thankful for this.
  4. Speaking of camps I am thankful that our son is on a camp this weekend. This backs up on his involvement in Beach Mission for the last week and a half. I am thankful he is so keen to go and he can be involved in this way.
  5. I am thankful for time with my wife in going out for tea and watching the movie. The movie was the Queen and it was very eye-opening. It helped me to understand English culture a lot better and it was interesting about politics and protocol. In light of that I read Psalm 12 after we got home, and this is what it said: "Lord! Help! Godly men are fast disappearing. Where in all the world can dependable men be found? Everyone deceives and flatters and lies. There is no sincerity left..." I am thankful for God's perspective that is above all human wisdom.

1 comment:

Carolanne said...

I am glad you had such a "successful" work day and that you enjoyed your evening with me. :)